teisipäev, mai 17, 2005


Investment Offer

My name is Professor Geoffery Edwards, a financial consultant and a

attorney. I want to inform you that my client Mrs Sakinat Deedee one of

the survivors of the Tsunami flood disaster is fully interested in
business in your country, She wants to buy some air crafts as she wants
invest in aviation eg, [FOUR USED PLANES]
urgently. I will want you to give me more information of some
airCraft and
some other areas
in which she can invest some of her money.I hope to hear from you as
so on

as possible via my personal e-mail address:geofferyedwards@yahoo.com
Thanks for your co operation.
Yours faithfully,
Professor Geoffery W, Edwards

Küsimus on paljuski ennastvälistav, seetõttu teatan nagu Rohke Debelakk tänahommikustes libauudistes:
Käi Kuu Peale!

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